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One of our core values at the school is “Service and Stewardship.” This is an integral part of the process of spiritual formation – to equip and empower students to use their gifts to make an impact at school and in the community. It is our desire that they become the hands and feet of Jesus. We also believe that sometimes action precedes affection. By requiring service, our hope is that as our students serve, they will cultivate a desire and affection for loving other and meeting practical needs.

You can make a difference

Looking for an opportunity to serve? Check out these wonderful ministries making a difference for the gospel!

Helping In His Name Ministries, Inc. (aka, The Food Pantry) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit inter-denominational Christian organization, and one of the largest faith-based food assistance ministries in Henry County, Georgia.

Breaking cycles of poverty and family homelessness with a Hand Up.

The Bridge Wellness South's mission is to provide compassionate care through medical, emotional, and spiritual support. 

Our mission is to impact the lives of people by providing nourishment to families in need.

The River Refuge is designed to provide families, children and individuals, who are in need, education both in spiritual matters as well as in life skills.  It is the endeavor of this organization to see families stay together, grow to be self-sustaining, and contribute back to society. 

Opportunities to Volunteer at the MMO Headquarters in McDonough


Collection Opportunities

  • “Dream Center of Henry County” Care Packages Collection - Ongoing throughout the Fall

  • “Helping In His Name Food Pantry” Canned Food Drive - October – Details will be sent out when this begins

  • Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection - End of October through week before Thanksgiving Break – Details will be sent out when this begins

  • “Baby Bottle Boomerang” Collection - Funds directly support programs that assist mothers to be & families in need.

  • “Medical Missions Outreach” Eyeglass Recycle Program

Christian Service Hours FAQ's

  • Who is required to do service hours?

All 7th - 12th grade students 

  • What is the requirement for hours?

Students are required to have 10 hours of service for the entire school year. 5 hours will be required for the fall semester and 5 hours will be required for the spring semester. Completion of these hours will count toward their Bible exam grade. For example, 5 hours = 100, 4 ½ = 90, 4 = 80, etc.

*This requirement cannot be made up and hours must be complete within each semester

  • How will hours be tracked and logged?   

ELCA will be using MobileServe to track Christian service hours digitally. It is mobile-friendly. Community partners will sign off on service hours electronically, and all information will be submitted online to ELCA. We are excited to offer this streamlined tracking service. Every student will create their own account using their elcachargers email. Invite links have been sent out to their school email.

  • What will NOT be counted as service hours?

Community service must be volunteered at a school, church, or in the community within 100 miles of ELCA’s campus. Community service is not (1) where the student receives remuneration of any kind, (2) self-improvement workshops, conferences, or internships, (3) rehearsal or practice time, (4) service performed as a disciplinary action, (5) babysitting for an individual family, or (6) service to family members or a business for profit.

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