What do I do if I am caught in traffic and going to be late picking up my child?
Per school policy, all students not picked up by 3:15 pm must be directly supervised by an adult. If you are caught in traffic and will not be on campus by 3:15 pm, please contact the receptionist at 770-957-2927 and notify her of your situation. Any student found without adult supervision and without notification of the parent to the school will be escorted to the ASEP and given automatic detention.
When are the doors locked during the school day?
For security purposes, doors are locked at 7:55 am each school day. In the afternoon, doors are unlocked from 3:00 pm until 3:15 pm for pickup. Any parents planning to remain in the building anytime after 7:55 am and before 3:00 pm must sign in at the receptionist's desk and wear a Visitor's badge.
How does the school prepare for emergency situations?
All ELCA employees are trained in Emergency Protocol at the beginning of the school year. During the year, students and staff participate in drills to ensure that everyone is familiar with procedures. In the event of any major incident, parents will be notified via their child's teacher of the situation as well as of any instructions regarding their child.
Does ELCA do K-9 searches?
ELCA is in a rotation with the other county schools and is visited by the Henry County Sheriff's Department on a periodic basis to do K-9 searches. The SRO or a school administrator is present during this search. For the safety of the students, no students are present in the hallways or parking lots during the searches. During a search, if the K-9 alerts on a vehicle, the parent of the owner will be notified of the alert and the intention of the school administration to search the vehicle. Parent will be asked permission to search the vehicle. If consent is not given, administration will decide the course of action to take on a case by case basis.
School Closings
In the event of inclement weather, parents will be emailed information regarding the closing. Further notice will be posted on our website, school Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ELCA1970) and Instagram (@elca_chargers). Parents may also turn to WSBTV, 11 Alive, or Fox 5 for reports of school closings.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What do I need to take to get my Georgia Learner's Permit?
Certified copy of your birth certificate (non-US citizens must present original, non-expired immigration documents)
Must present social security number
Georgia DDS Certificate of Attendance (DS-1) signed and notarized by school (see High School office for form - form only valid for 30 days)
See Georgia Department of Driver Services for more info.
What will I need for my Georgia Driver's License?
Georgia Learner's Permit
Certificate from attending a Georgia approved Driver's Education program
Must present social security number
Georgia DDS Certificate of Attendance (DS-1) signed and notarized by the school (see High School office for form - form only valid for 30 days)
Alcohol and Drug Awareness (ADAP) certificate (https://dds.georgia.gov/adap)
40 hours of on-the-road driving experience, including 6 hours of night driving are required. An affidavit/form signed by a parent or driving instructor must be presented (If driver's education was completed with an approved internet/online class, parent/guardian must also complete Parent-Teen Driving Guide )
Parent/guardian must be present to sign the application.
See Georgia Department of Driver Services for more info.
Additional Parent Resources: