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"The rich diversity of ELCA has always been a distinctive that sets us apart. It is further enhanced by our international student population who have been such a welcome addition to our student body. Their life experiences and cultural differences expose our students to the world in a special way."

- Chuck Gilliam, Former ELCA Head of School

“We have an amazing group of international students at ELCA. It is a joy every day to interact with them. I am thankful for what each student adds to the ELCA experience.”

- Richard Allen, Senior Bible Teacher

“Hosting a student has been a wonderful experience. In addition to being refreshed through generosity, it is a wonderful way to bring the mission field into our home.”

- Holly Capp, Host Parent



In addition to completing required documents for domestic students, international students are asked to:

  1. Submit Chinese/English official transcripts starting from middle school.

  2. Submit three recommendation letters

  3. Complete 10-minute recorded video interview with a Sky So Blue International interviewer.

  4. Complete an abbreviated mock TOEFL and submit pages 1-6 of accompanying score report (used to only evaluate class placement). The test is administered on Sky So Blue’s website.

  5. Complete a “Who Am I” introduction bio.

  6. Submit the host family student and parent questionnaires.

  1. ELCA Complete Recommendation Letters (translated)

  2. Who Am I

  3. Homestay Student Form

  4. Homestay Parent Form

  5. ELCA Profile 2017

Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy has partnered with Atlanta based Sky So Blue International to qualify, enroll and manage students from Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau).

If you are a student, parent, or agent and your student requires an I-20 to study in the United States, please contact Sky So Blue to learn about the process of being matched with a host family, what is needed for student success at ELCA, and what it means to study through ELCA’s Kingdom Education. 




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