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Spiritual Growth

ELCA strives to provide a Christ-centered program through its atmosphere, curriculum, and staff. However, ELCA’s efforts are not a substitute for personal, spiritual growth. We strongly encourage each family member to strengthen his/her personal faith through the study of God’s Word (the Bible), active involvement in a Bible-teaching church, and prayer.

Emphasis for Spiritual Formation

ELCA’s plan for spiritual formation and development focuses on 4 distinct anchors. We seek to ENGAGE students with the gospel of Jesus Christ, EQUIP them through spiritual formation and Christ-centered worldview, EMPOWER them to serve as ambassadors for Christ, and ENCOURAGE them to remain faithful and steadfast here and for years to come! These anchors are grounded in a Christ-centered, Bible-based, foundation.

Vision for Spiritual Formation

For our students to know Jesus, be transformed by His work on the cross, and to be given opportunities to grow through discipleship, stewardship, and service.

The Foundation of the Bible

The Bible is God’s Word to us. It is the most important book at ELCA. It leads, guides, and informs the mission of the school. In all areas of school life, God’s Word is useful teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that our students are prepared for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). All classes are taught through a Biblical worldview. Every student is expected to have his/her Bible at school every day.


Chapel is a time for celebration of praise and worship of Jesus Christ. Chapel is a regular part of school life at ELCA, and every student is required to attend the service every week. Middle School and High School students are expected to bring their Bible to chapel. Correct posture in chapel is very important as well as respect for the program and speaker. Students who continue to be disrespectful during chapel may be subject to disciplinary measures.

Spiritual Life Initiatives

ELCA seeks to fulfill its plan for spiritual formation through the following spiritual life initiatives: Daily Bible class, Accountability Groups and Community Time, Student Leadership Development, Chapel Program, Generational Mentoring, Bible Studies, Missional Opportunities for Stewardship and Service, Equipping and Supporting Families, and Training and Developing Staff. All spiritual life initiatives are implemented in partnership with Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church. Click HERE to learn more about ELFBC.


Matt McKinney


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