How can I stay informed about what's going on at the school?
Our website is a valuable source of a variety of information.
The ELCA News page has information about current events updated daily.
A weekly announcement and reminder email is sent to families every Monday.
A Calendar of events is located on our website that allows you to search events.
School-specific emails are sent to families to provide important details for events pertaining to certain grades.
If you are not receiving these emails, there could be a problem with your email preferences in FACTS SIS. To have this checked or to update your email, phone and/or address, please email Rebecca Wood.
Does the school have any specific events that purposes to connect families with the administration?
Communicating with our families is a top priority for our academy. We start the year off with a Back to School Day, which is a time to fellowship with our families. New parents are invited to attend an orientation coffee at the beginning of the year. Mid-year, we schedule a State of School address, which is a time to celebrate accomplishments of the school year, and inform families of upcoming plans, including re-enrollment information for the next school year.
Where do I drop off and pick up my child?
To minimize traffic congestion in the mornings and afternoons, we have designated drop off and pick up areas for the different schools available here. To learn more about your child's school car pool plan, please view our car pool page. If you have multiple children in different schools, please contact the specific school's secretary to work out the best plan for your family.
What are the uniform requirements for each grade?
Uniform requirements vary between the different schools. Uniform information and guidelines are listed on the uniforms and supplies webpage. As a convenience to our families, all uniform needs may be purchased at the ELCA Charger Store.
My child lost his hoodie - where might I find it?
Misplaced items are bound to happen in all environments. To aid in recovering lost items, we encourage families to label all items of clothing and supplies. When found, the items can promptly be returned to students. Non-labeled items are taken to school secretaries where they are kept for a short period of time. Please contact your school secretary if your child has misplaced a belonging.
Can I view my child's grades online?
FACTS SIS, provided as a quick link on the footer of the website home page, allows parents to see their child's average as well as specific grades on assignments. Additionally, parents may view their child's class schedule, attendance, conduct history and much more.
What if I'm having difficulty logging into FACTS SIS?
If you're experiencing trouble logging in to FACTS SIS, email detailing your problem and you will receive an email response with the solution.
What if I have questions regarding my statement?
Questions regarding your statement or financial account should be directed to the Business Office.
My child mentioned that I need to complete a form - where might I find it?
Although forms specific to a particular class may have to be received from the teacher, many forms may be found on our website by using the Search bar function. Always feel free to email contact@eagleslanding,org for assistance.
How can I get in touch with a specific teacher, staff or administrator?
Visit the Faculty & Staff page to view administrators, faculty, and staff. If you need to contact a teacher, email them for a quick response. Email addresses may be found on FACTS SIS. Inquiries that need immediate attention may be addressed by calling your school's secretary.
May I eat lunch with my child?
Parents are welcomed to join their child for lunch. Although we ask that no outside food be brought into the Eagle Cafe, parents may purchase lunch on campus and enjoy the SAGE dining experience. If you are planning on dining with us, please call the receptionist at 770-957-2927 to allow us to prepare accordingly.
How can I get up-to-date information on athletic events that have been re-scheduled?
To get the latest game times and directions to athletic events, visit the individual team pages under our Athletics tab.
What opportunities are there for me to get involved at the school?
Our parents are a huge part of what makes ELCA different than other schools. Involved parents not only provide invaluable assistance in enriching our programs, but more importantly, support their child's sense of self-worth by showing that they care about the child's experience. We welcome our Early Learning and Elementary parents to assist in the classrooms. Parents at all grade levels are encouraged to join our auxiliary organizations - PTF, Fine Arts Patrons, and Athletic Booster Club. Other individual opportunities are available as well. If there is a specific area you are interested in serving, please contact that area's administrator to get "plugged in."
How will I be informed of weather-related school closings?
In the event of inclement weather, parents will be emailed information regarding the closing. Further notice will be posted on our school Facebook page ( and Instagram account (elca_chargers). Parents may also turn to WSB, 11 Alive, or Fox 5 for reports of school closings.