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  • Student Support Services | MERIT Programs | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    The MERIT Program (Multi-faceted Educational Resources and Instructional Technology) provides assistance to our students who learn differently. ELCA's MERIT Program assists identified students in becoming active and competent learners in the classroom. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES THE MERIT PROGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION MERIT ACCOMMODATIONS MERIT CLASSES MERIT: STARS MERIT: FACS MERIT: GROW MERIT: ARROWSMITH MERIT: SPEECH & TUTORING The MERIT Program (Multi-faceted Educational Resources and Instructional Technology) provides assistance to our students who learn differently. The MERIT Program will assist identified students in becoming active and competent learners in the classroom. Please note that these are not tutorial services. Students may or may not need to receive additional tutorial assistance outside of the MERIT Program to help them with the classroom curricula. Students will not receive specialized instruction and are expected to function within the demands of ELCA’s curriculum on their grade level. Students receiving services will be billed the appropriate fees. If there is not a copy of a current evaluation in the student’s file, please provide us with this information. Services will not be provided until all records and evaluations are reviewed and Student Support Services determines the student’s eligibility for the program. We look forward to ministering to your child and assisting them in experiencing success in the classroom. Please be assured that assisting and equipping our students for success in the classroom and in the world for Christ continues to be our primary desire. Thank you for entrusting your child to us and for your continued commitment to their academic and spiritual growth. ELCA STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES STAFF: Dr. Anna King , Director of Student Support Services Dr. Wanda Cowan, Learning Differences Coordinator/Consultant Miranda Mirocha , Administrative Assistant Blake Beasley , Learning Differences Support Blakeley Bradley , GROW Dee Kirby , FACS Kathy Sligh, STARS Lisa Schuerman , Arrowsmith All ELCA teachers have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree or higher. Tuition processes for students enrolled in Student Support Services remains the same as for regular tuition (see .) "Eagle's Landing Christian Academy has raised the standards by which all other Christian schools should be measured with regard to students with learning challenges such as dyslexia." -Robert Langston Author, Motivational Speaker and Consultant CEO, The Dyslexia Educational Network, Inc. MERIT ACCOMMODATIONS MERIT CLASSES MERIT STARS In grades 3 through 5, MERIT features an opportunity for students to receive assistance in the area of reading. FACS (Fluency and Comprehension Skills) is a small reading class setting offered to students who are struggling with reading processes within the classroom. All work is on grade level and aligned with ELCA standards. The goal of the program is to assist students in becoming proficient readers who have a comprehensive understanding of what they read in all subject areas. Low student/teacher ratios help with individualizing instruction for each student based on their needs with an average 7:1 ratio in FACS. FACS / Student Support Educator: Dee Kirby SUCCESS IN MERIT CLASSES 10 MYTHS ABOUT MERIT MERIT provides classes within the department for middle and high school students in the areas of math, science, history, language arts, and foreign language. Enrollment is limited by space and requires a diagnosis or a teacher recommendation. All of the work is taught on grade level with academically rigorous curricula aligned with the scope and sequences of ELCA’s traditional classes. These courses are crafted with embedded accommodations designed to ultimately help the student be successful after MERIT. With a low student to teacher to ratio (10:1 average), teachers provide focused attention and alternate methods of teaching that are more conducive to non-traditional learners. One successful tenet of MERIT classes is the incorporation of application based projects to connect subject matter to real world experience. MERIT SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS Qualifications for receiving Student Support Services within the MERIT Program: A student must be identified through a multi-faceted evaluation as having a learning difference in the area(s) of reading, written expression, math computation, problem solving, receptive or expressive language. Other areas of learning difference may include, but not limited to, organizational skills, attention problems, hyperactivity, spatial organization, sensory integration, speech and language, processing, social, and fine or gross motor skills. The student must continue to function within the curriculum requirements for his/her grade level. There is no specialized instruction. MERIT personnel will assist the identified student in becoming an active and competent learner in the classroom in the following ways: MERIT personnel will work in conjunction with the student’s classroom teachers to develop a learning profile on each student. MERIT personnel will develop an intervention plan that compliments the student’s learning profile and outlines the specific interventions that will be made for the student. MERIT personnel will communicate regularly with classroom teachers to discuss the student’s progress and continuous needs. MERIT personnel will submit regular progress updates to parents. MERIT personnel will schedule parent meetings at the beginning of each semester. A mid-semester meeting may be held if deemed necessary by parents, teachers, or M.E.R.I.T. personnel. MERIT personnel will coordinate and assist with multi-faceted evaluations provided privately or through local school districts. MERIT personnel will attend I.E.P. meetings at public schools. MERIT personnel will collaborate with the school nurse regarding medication issues or concerns as necessary. The MERIT Program will offer indirect support, direct support, or complete support to each student. Parents will select the option that best meets their child’s needs. MERIT FACS The STARS program (Strategies Targeted at Reading Success) supplies enrichment for kindergarten through second grade readers using the Orton-Gillingham approach as its foundation. This highly structured program introduces the idea of breaking reading and spelling down into smaller skills involving letters and sounds, and then building on these skills over time. Students are involved in multi-sensory activities throughout this class to help strengthen phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency and comprehension. Students use sight, hearing, touch and movement to connect language with letters and words. Low student/teacher ratios help with individualizing instruction for each student based on their needs with an average 5:1 ratio for the STARS program. STARS / Student Support Educator: Kathy Sligh MERIT GROW In grades 3 through 5, MERIT features an opportunity for students to receive assistance in the area of math. GROW (Grasping Reasoning Operations and Whole Numbers) assists students on improving number sense, algebraic thinking, data and measurement, and fractions. All work is on grade level and aligned with ELCA standards. Students have embedded review and added time for practice, in conjunction with the ELCA curriculum and another tech platform. In addition, students are given multi-layered help: visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and other hands on experiences. Low student/teacher ratios help with individualizing instruction for each student based on their needs with an average 7:1 ratio in GROW. GROW / Student Support Educators: Blakeley Bradley Mary-Louise Guillebeau MERIT ARROWSMITH The Arrowsmith Program is offered world-wide and ELCA is the only school offering the Arrowsmith Program in the state. Georgia is one of only 25 states where it is hosted. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to address specific learning difficulties by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Third grade through middle school students may begin this program. Arrowsmith targets the root causes of learning differences through individualized student programming. Upon completion of Arrowsmith, the student will need little to no accommodations in the classroom. Arrowsmith is based upon innovative neuroscience research supporting that it is possible to improve cognitive function. Arrowsmith is a community, and our aim is that our students will: strengthen their cognitive capacities underlying their learning difficulties advance in the desire to become life-long, self-motivated learners develop and maintain confidence and a sense of their self-worth The cognitive program addresses learning differences including: Reading Writing Mathematics Comprehension Logical Reasoning Executive Function Visual Memory Auditory Memory Dyslexia Non-Verbal Learning Auditory Processing Attention One parent describes this program as life-changing. “My son graduated from the Arrowsmith program two years ago. When he entered the program in the 6th grade, he had a lack of confidence and faced many academic challenges. Arrowsmith has been an answer to prayer for our son. He is now a very confident 11th grader and is maintaining an A average. The Arrowsmith Program has opened up doors of opportunity for our son and given him a beautiful gift...unlimited possibilities for his future. We will forever be grateful for the Arrowsmith Program.” Arrowsmith / Student Support Educator : Lisa Schuerman ARROWSMITH WEBSITE MERIT SPEECH & TUTORING SPEECH and TUTORING Please contact Dr. Anna King if you are interested in speech and/or tutoring.

  • Auxiliary Organizations | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy |

    Eagle's Landing Christian Academy is blessed to have three wonderful auxiliary organizations that support the ELCA mission for Christian education. Membership in one or all of these organizations is a great way to get involved within the ELCA family. Eagle's Landing Christian Academy is blessed to have three wonderful auxiliary organizations that support the ELCA mission. Membership in one or all of these organizations is a great way to get involved within the ELCA family. PARENT TEACHER FELLOWSHIP ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB FINE ARTS PATRONS AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS

  • Message from Head of School

    Dr. J. Keith Curlee, Head of School at Eagle's Landing Christian Academy, shares his excitement for the 2024-25 school year. ELCA is a gospel-centered, Kingdom-focused, college preparatory school committed to academic excellence and spiritual growth. With AP and dual-enrollment classes, the school nurtures students through a biblical lens. Partnered with Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church, ELCA aims to make disciples of Jesus Christ. MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL DR. KEITH CURLEE I am thrilled to be the head of school at Eagle's Landing Christian Academy. I am excited to see how God will continue to work among our students, parents, faculty, and staff during the 2024-25 school year. It was evident when I first visited ELCA that God has truly blessed our church and school community! Here at ELCA we truly desire to follow our mission statement which reads: Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy is a gospel-centered, Kingdom focused, college preparatory school that exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. We try to live out this mission by making several commitments to our families and students: We are committed to a gospel-centered school. The word gospel means “good news”. Our students at ELCA will come to realize that God, the Father, sent his only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life, and to die for all of mankind’s sins. But Jesus did not remain dead; He resurrected from the dead and desires for all people everywhere to come to know this truth and to put their faith and trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. The hope we have in Jesus’ resurrection is truly good news. We are committed to being Kingdom focused. Scripture teaches us that this world that we live in is not our home yet. God has placed us here to live in this world, but to not be of this world. We view the Bible as God’s Holy Word. In every aspect of school life, it is our sincere desire to point students to Christ. We offer Bible classes, worship opportunities in age-appropriate chapel services, but also teach each subject through the lens of Scripture. It is our aim to lead students to Christ, build them up in Christ, and equip them to serve Christ, which we call, Kingdom Education. We are committed to being a college preparatory school. By offering multiple AP and dual-enrollment classes, we provide our students with academic excellence and a quality education. The majority of our graduates will be attending 4-year colleges and universities. We have excellent, certified, Christian teachers that lead our students each and every day. Our most recent 79 graduates, the Class of 2024, were awarded close to $22 million in college scholarships. Recent graduates attend colleges and universities in various places including Georgia Tech, UGA, West Point, Duke, Truett-McConnell, Shorter University, and Kennesaw State, just to name a few. Lastly, we are a ministry of Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church, and both our church and school work hand-in-hand to make disciples for Jesus. Our goal is to use education so that our students become life-long followers of Christ!! Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that it is helpful in showing you who we are and what we are all about at ELCA. Blessings! Dr. J. Keith Curlee Head of School GET TO KNOW DR. CURLEE

  • ELCA Daily News | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough

    Eagle's Landing Christian Academy is Atlanta's premier private school on the southside. Stay informed with the ELCA Daily News. ELCA Daily News Lunch sign-ups Click HERE to sign up for a day to have lunch with your Elementary student. We look forward to seeing you soon! Valentine Grams SGA will be delivering “Valentine Grams” on Monday, Feb. 10. This is a fundraiser for the Junior/Senior Prom. To place an order, fill out this FORM and return to either your child’s homeroom teacher, front desk, or Middle/High School office no later than Tuesday, Feb. 4. Math Boot Camps Be on the lookout for additional information in the coming weeks, but here are the dates: June 2-5: Rising 1st & 2nd graders June 16-19: Rising 4th & 5th graders June 23-26: Rising 3rd graders Keep it Current! ELCA works hard to deliver timely, informative and complete information to our ELCA family through our website, social media feeds, weekly reminder emails, and monthly newsletters. That means it's very important to keep your contact information updated in FACTS SIS. If you have a change in email, phone number, or address, please email those changes to to be updated. Father Daughter Dance Scan the QR code for details and to get registered. JR. NBA SIGN-UPS 2nd-6th grade boys and girls can sign up for Jr. NBA. Just scan the code above or click here. Winter Break Registration is now open for after care during winter break week. Scan the QR code above to find out more and to register or click HERE to visit our website. ELCA Aviation Club This club is held on Wednesday's and begins on Feb. 26 from 3:30-5PM. See your weekly Charger Connection email for details. January SOTM Congratulations to these students who earned Student of the Month for Excellence. Honor Roll Click below to view Honor Roll lists: Elementary Middle School - All A's Middle School - A's and B's High School - All A's High School - A's and B's

  • Welcome New Parents! | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    Welcome to the Eagle's Landing Christian Academy family. We are excited your family has chosen to join ours! For our newest chargers... We have a special gift for you! If you didn't receive your yard sign at Back to School Night, please reach out to Admissions at . ELCA works hard to deliver timely and informative information to our ELCA families through our website, social media, and weekly reminder emails. Below you will find a list of commonly asked questions and answers. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. *We're a new family, how can we learn more about ELCA? Sign up to attend one of our New Parent Orientation Coffees *What time does school start and end for my student? Instruction Hours - Early Learning Academy Instruction Hours - Elementary Instruction Hours - Middle School Instruction Hours - High School *Where can I find the school calendar? School Calendar *Where do I drop-off and pick-up my student? Carpool Information *My student is driving to school…is a parking permit required? Student Driver Information *What do I need to know about SAGE Dining Services? Sage Dining Services *Do you offer after school care and/or care during breaks? After-School Enrichment Program Young Chargers Enrichment Program - (K5-8 th grade) *How do I reach the school nurse? Health Services *What uniform items do I need to purchase for my student? Are PE uniforms required? School Store and Uniform Guidelines *What school supplies does my student need this year? Supply Lists *I ordered school supplies from our Partner in Ed, LH School Supplies. How will I receive my supplies? Pick up your school supply order from LH School Supplies during our Back to School Day in the main foyer. If you are unable to make it, your supplies will be available from the receptionist on the first day of school. *What is Jeans for Missions? Jeans for Missions *Where may I find information about school security? How do I find out about school closings or other weather-related concerns? Safety and Security *Where do I go to check my student's grades, etc? FACTS Family Online – ELCA’s District Code is EL-GA. You will use the same email address that you provided in your enrollment process. *Where do I go to see the charges on my bill? FACTS *Who may I speak to if I have questions about charges on my bill? Business Office *Where may I find a copy of the Student Handbook? (It is the responsibility of the parent to be familiar with the contents of the Student Handbook.) Student Handbook *How do I remain informed of ELCA events and activities? Keep your email address current in FACTS us with any updates Explore the ELCA website ELCA Daily Announcements Like us on Facebook , follow us on X and Instagram Email with any questions Other FAQs... WELCOME NEW PARENTS! WE'RE SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE! Welcome to the Eagle's Landing Christian Academy family! We are excited your family has chosen to join ours! If you missed the New Parent Coffee, you can view that below. View New Parent Coffee Presentation

  • Faithful to the Word Fridays | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    Tune in to devotions led by Eagle's Landing Christian Academy Student Government Association (SGA) Chaplains. FAITHFUL TO THE WORD FRIDAYS SGA Chaplain Led Devotions Devotion by Claire Massengale Devotion by Miller Doerr Devotion by Alyssa Leventhal Devotion by Janine Baldwin Devotion by Nyla Osmani Devotion by Miller Doerr Devotion by Claire Massengale

  • ELCA School of Fine Arts | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    The School of Fine Arts is an essential element of the overall curriculum and the educational strategy at Eagle's Landing Christian Academy.  We know that studying music and art helps develop young minds, and fine arts courses are available to all students in all grade levels.  ELCA's fine arts programs are specifically designed to move students through an aligned curriculum, from PreK – 12th grade, that preps them to study fine arts at university. EAGLE'S LANDING CHRISTIAN ACADEMY FINE ARTS GENERAL INFORMATION AN INVITATION FINE ARTS PATRONS SUPPORT FINE ARTS FINE ARTS STAFF CONTACT US FINE ARTS PATRONS The Eagle's Landing Christian Academy School of Fine Arts is proud to offer some of the highest level Fine Arts programing in the Metro Atlanta area. The School of Fine Arts is an essential element of the overall curriculum and the educational strategy at Eagle's Landing Christian Academy. We know that studying music and art helps develop young minds, and fine arts courses are available to all students in all grade levels. ELCA's fine arts programs are specifically designed to move students through an aligned curriculum, from PreK – 12th grade, that preps them to study fine arts at university. CHRISTMAS MULTI-THEATRICAL EVENT DECEMBER 10 | 7PM BUY TICKETS NOW WE INVITE YOU TO EXPERIENCE ELCA FINE ARTS! LOWER SCHOOL FINE ARTS MORE ABOUT LOWER SCHOOL FINE ARTS UPPER SCHOOL FINE ARTS MORE ABOUT UPPER SCHOOL FINE ARTS Pre-K through 4th Grade Grades 5-12 PRE-SCHOOL (K3 & K4): In pre-school, our students participate weekly in our fine arts program. Visual arts are part of their regular pre-school curriculum. In addition, students rotate into our Music Suite where they learn and explore the basics of music that will prepare them for their Elementary School performing arts classes. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Kindergarten – 4th grade): Students in Kindergarten - 4th grade have multiple fine arts opportunities throughout the week. For the visual arts, students go to one of our fully equipped and supplied art labs to learn all of the basics they'll need to advance in the program. For the performing arts, students have weekly music classes in the Music Suite where they learn the basics of music and perform three times during the school year. In addition, students rotate into our keyboarding lab where they explore music through the use of keyboards and technology. SUPPORT THE ARTS AT ELCA Students in middle school are given the opportunity to develop their skills by focusing on one specific Fine Arts Class. Art, Band, Chorus, Guitar, and Stage Acting and Vocal Performance are the classes offered between 5th and 8th grades. (See below). These classes are designed to prepare students for high school level classes, as well as give them opportunities to participate in arts shows, musical performances and state and district level competitions. FINE ARTS STAFF Tracey Fuller Director of Fine Arts Director of Vocal Programs Middle and High School Director of Pre-school and Elementary Music Derek Rock Director of Middle School and High School Bands Adam Watson Assistant Director of Middle School and High School Bands Joe Tucker Middle School and High School Guitar Teacher, Praise Band Director Chuck Ekstedt High School Drama Teacher Sarah Blackaby High School Art Teacher Rachel Allred Middle School Art Teacher Linda Jones Elementary Art Teacher Rick Barham Music Technology Lab Instructor Beverly Hedges Pre-K thru 12th grade Choral Music Teaching Assistant and Piano Accompanist OUR MISSION The History of the Fine Arts Patrons Founded in 2003, the Fine Arts Patrons is a group of parents, staff, and faculty who work together to give ELCA students musical, dramatic, or artistic opportunities and resources during their time at ELCA. Fine Arts programs are an essential element of the curriculum at our school. At ELCA, students are given the opportunity to participate in fine arts classes and performance groups. The Mission of the Fine Arts Patrons The Fine Arts Patrons will work to create resources that can benefit and support the advancement of Fine Arts at ELCA, raise funds to supplement and support the Fine Arts at ELCA, encourage parental and student involvement in ELCA Fine Arts activities, programs, and projects, and assist Fine Arts parents, Fine Arts faculty, and ELCA staff members in helping support all of ELCA Fine Arts. How you can get involved The FAP holds monthly Board meetings to discuss project funding, fundraising, and any concerns/ideas that may be suggested by faculty, staff, or parents. The FAP Board consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Fundraising Chair. Any parent who has a student in elementary school (elementary music) or a Middle or High School fine arts class or performing group may attend the FAP meetings. The Board will vote in a closed executive session. We Support all of the Fine Arts Programs at ELCA: Art Elementary Music Symphonic Band Concert Band Beginning Band Marching Band Color Guard Chorus Vocal Performance Guitar Drama/Stage Acting Student Praise Band PATRONS INFORMATION 2024-25 Fine Arts Patrons Board of Directors President: Mandy Corso Vice President: Thomas Blythe Treasurer: Thomas Blythe Secretary: Brandi Cason Fundraising Chair: Jamie Linder Fine Arts Patrons meetings will take place via Zoom at 5:30pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for December). E-mail for the link: August 8, 2024 September 12, 2024 October 10, 2024 November 14, 2024 December 12, 2024 January 9, 2025 February 13, 2025 March 13, 2025 April 10, 2025 May 8, 2025 Every parent with a child in a Fine Arts program at ELCA is a Fine Arts Patron. If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Board at If you would like to serve on the Board, please email Mandy Corso at . FUNDRAISERS COOKIE DOUGH SALES The Cookie Dough sale begins October 7th and will end on Tuesday, October 15th. The Premium Collection cookie dough is delicious and contains 0 Trans Fat and 0 Preservatives. Remember, all monies raised with this fundraiser goes into supporting all fine arts programs at ELCA! Click HERE for more details and how to order! Cookie Payment Cookie Prize Letter Fine Arts Accolades ELCA band and chorus students have made GMEA All-State Band and All-State Chorus, as well as district honor bands and choruses. ELCA band and chorus groups have received superior and excellent ratings at exhibitions, competitions, and large group performances. Jesse Corso & Molly Corso were both selected to perform in the Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony and have also had the opportunity to work with many professional clinicians. The Mighty Charger Marching Band has performed in Mercedes Benz Stadium and Georgia State Stadium. Stage acting and vocal performance students have been given the opportunity to participate in a film written and directed by TJ Hedges and his professional film crew. Olivia Naquin earned 2nd place for her pencil/watercolor drawing entitled "Lilac Lady" which earned her a $7500 scholarship to the Art Institute of Atlanta. Her piece is currently hanging in the Washington D.C. congressional office. Martyna Radzicka earned 3rd place for her acrylic on canvas entitled "Insomnia ATL" and she earned a $3500 scholarship to the Art Institute of Atlanta. Her work is currently on display in the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Our High School chorus was selected to perform at Carnegie Hall in 2018. Our One-Act Drama team is the current GHSA One-Act Play 5AA regional champions. Each year in that competition, as well as in the ACSI competition, many of our students get selected to the All-Star cast.

  • Support ELCA | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    Eagle's Landing Christian Academy relies on charitable gifts above tuition and fees to fund our mission of Empowering Students to Impact the World for Christ. When you give to the ELCA Fund, your gift provides direct support to our school for further enhancements. SUPPORT ELCA ELCA FUND SIMPLE WAYS TO SUPPORT ELCA PARTNERS IN EDUCATION GEORGIA GOAL Hear from Dr. Curlee and Mrs. Dean as they provide an update on our All In Campaign. Thank you to those who were able to donate! So far we have raised over $100,000! Contributions can still be made until June 30, 2025. Our goal is 100% participation from all of our constituency groups. We have almost reached 100% participation from our faculty and staff for this school year! We are currently at 89% giving from staff! GIVE ONLINE Eagle's Landing Christian Academy relies on charitable gifts above tuition and fees to fund our mission of Empowering Students to Impact the World for Christ. It is important that each of our families, who have entrusted their beloved children to us, demonstrate their heart for our ministry by participating in the ALL IN Campaign. Your participation , at any amount, has the potential to bless our school exponentially! ALL IN is defined as being enthusiastically supportive or fully committed. That is exactly how we want you to feel as part of the ELCA family! We are asking each of our families to commit to partner with us by being ALL IN and in giving to the ELCA Fund in some way. We strive to reach 100% participation from our families in donating to the ELCA Fund because it is instrumental in providing “the little extras” that set our school apart. It takes a combination of both tuition and charitable donations to provide this level of excellence. Charitable gifts are crucial to help sustain and expand our mission. ELCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Increased parent participation helps us to leverage support from outside foundations. In the recent past, we have been blessed to receive two grants totaling $575,000. These grants were awarded, in large part, because of a steady increase in the giving percentage from our families. This means that your gift, no matter the amount, has the prospect of making an exponential difference in the lives of our students. As we continue to seek out grants, it is imperative that our parent giving percentage increases even further…with the ultimate goal being 100%. We cannot achieve this without YOU. You may designate your gift to either ELCA EXCELLENCE or FAMILIES HELPING FAMILIES. Gifts to ELCA Excellence allow administrators to have the ability to direct funds to where the need is the greatest. Unrestricted gifts allow us to meet unforeseen needs as they arise and to capitalize on opportunities as they emerge. Gifts designated for Families Helping Families are set aside to be used in our needs-based financial aid program. WAYS TO GIVE: GIVE ONLINE via debit or credit card HERE. Complete the CAMPAIGN FORM below and return with your check or you may bill to your account. You'll see...IT'S GREAT TO BE ALL IN! ALL IN Information GIVE ONLINE DONOR FORM Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization. All gifts to the ELCA Fund are tax-deductible as provided by law. (please consult your accounting professional for additional information). GIVE ONLINE What is the ELCA Fund? DETAILS ABOUT GEORGIA GOAL PARTICIPATION Welcome to the GOAL Program! We are thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant school community, where we utilize every opportunity to make a difference. At the heart of the GOAL Program is the incredible opportunity for Georgia taxpayers to play an invaluable role in supporting private K-12 education. By redirecting a portion of your state income tax dollars, you can empower deserving students to pursue an exceptional education at ELCA. It's a win-win situation, where you can make a meaningful contribution while fulfilling your tax obligations. Tax Credit Limits Based on Filing Status Have been EXPANDED! Single individual or head of household – up to $2,500 Married couple filing a joint return – up to $5,000 Married couple filing separate returns – up to $2,500 S corporation shareholder, LLC member, or partnership partner – up to $25,000 S corporation, LLC, or partnership that elects to pay tax at the entity level – up to 75% of Georgia income tax liability C-corporation or Trust – up to 75% of annual Georgia income tax liability How to Contribute & Take the Tax Credit 1) When the application portal opens: Complete the 2024 GOAL Tax Credit Application today at (takes just 20 seconds!). 2) GOAL Submits to DOR GOAL submits your application to the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) immediately. 3) Approved to Contribute GOAL and DOR notify you of approved tax credit amount and payment deadline. 4) Make Payment Pay GOAL by check or credit card within 60 days of DOR approval. 5) Take the Credit GOAL will send you Form IT-QEE-SSO1 (tax receipt) for claiming the credit on your Georgia income tax return (Note: you will take the credit on the income tax return for the year in which you make the payment). Please contact the ELCA Advancement Office with any questions. Thank you for your support! _________________________ How Does This Help Our School? You are already paying income taxes to the state. Why not redirect some of those taxes to provide Georgia children with Greater Opportunities for Access to Learning (GOAL)? When you redirect your Georgia income taxes to GOAL, you can designate that the contribution be used to provide financial aid at Eagle's Landing Christian Academy. Our school is then able to: • Increase the amount of financial aid that can be offered to new students • Preserve more of our existing financial aid to assist families already enrolled • Increase the funds available to improve educational and extracurricular offerings • Further our mission by reaching more families desiring Christian education 2022 GOAL TAX CREDIT APPLICATION PUBLIX PARTNERS Support ELCA by shopping at Publix. You no longer need a key ring with our school code. Just go to and Log In to your existing account or Sign Up for a new account, make sure your phone number is entered. Once you are in your account select the My Publix Partner icon on the bottom/center of the page, then choose Select a School and type in Eagle's Landing Christian Academy or search by zip code 30253. When you shop at Publix, you'll have the opportunity to enter a phone number to get credit for our school. Publix will give back to ELCA through this new online system. Over the years, more than $33,000 has been raised through this program for our school. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Big changes coming to the Box Tops for Education Program. You will begin to see some participating brands change their packaging from the traditional Box Top that you clip to a new digital label that will be scanned when you purchase Box Tops items. Go to for more information. There is a phone app feature where you can scan your store receipt from your phone and instantly add Box Tops to our school's earnings online! Each Box Top is worth 10 cents and we earn $1,000's of dollars each year for ELCA with this program! KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS Link your Kroger Plus Card to ELCA by visiting and signing in to your online account, or create a new online account. Once you have an account, select View Your Rewards Details and scroll down to Community Rewards and select Eagle's Landing Christian Academy - Organization #DL451 and click "Save." Important: Your card must be relinked every school year on or after September 1st. GIVE ONLINE SIMPLE WAYS TO SUPPORT ELCA The ELCA Fund is a yearly fundraising appeal to bridge the gap between the total cost of operating our school and tuition revenue. Contrary to popular belief, tuition does not cover the full cost of educating each student. It takes tuition and charitable donations to provide the distinctive qualities that ELCA offers including smaller classes, exemplary teachers, exceptional academics, fine arts, and athletic programs, more personal attention, and an unapologetically Christian foundation for our students. Also, gifts to the ELCA Fund are tax-deductible where tuition is not. WHERE DO THE DOLLARS GO? Gifts to the ELCA Fund - Excellence supplements our operating budget and provides unrestricted resources for the school's immediate needs. These needs include faculty/staff development, technology, program support for all levels of the school, and facility maintenance. Gifts to the Families Helping Families Fund provides needs-based tuition assistance to current and new families who desire Kingdom Education for their children. HOW CAN MY DONATION MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Every gift makes a difference, regardless of the amount. For some families, the gift could be as small as $5 - $10. For others, it could be hundreds or thousands of dollars. Giving comes from the heart. We encourage you to pray and give according to your means to support our ministry. Also, increased participation in giving by the ELCA community, including our ministry team, faculty/staff, parents, and alumni helps pave the way for potential future support from outside organizations and charitable foundations. WAYS TO GIVE TO ELCA ELCA accepts gifts in a number of different ways including cash, credit cards, appreciated stock, and matching gifts. ELCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, therefore gifts to the school are tax-deductible as provided by law (please consult your accounting professional for additional information). Kingdom Leaders: $10,000 or above Kingdom Builders: $5,000-$9,999 Chargers Circle: $2,500-$4,999 Supporters: $1,000-$2,499 Contributors: $250-$999 ELCA Friends: $100-$249 Please help us reach our goal of 100% family participation by being ALL IN! GIVE ONLINE ELCA FUND CAMPAIGN DONOR FORM Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization. All gifts to the ELCA Fund are tax-deductible as provided by law. (please consult your accounting professional for additional information) GEORGIA GOAL PARTNERS IN EDUCATION If you are interested in becoming a Partner in Ed for the 2024-25 school year, please complete a Partner in Ed Form and return to the ELCA Advancement Office, THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS IN EDUCATION! Andrea Mix at Bloem + Wisp Florals Aylo Health Ausband Chapman Insurance AWB Contracting, Inc. Bellamy-Strickland Chevrolet Buick GMC Better Letter Bojangles Champions Choice Awards/Snowflake Shaved Ice Chick-fil-A at Union Grove Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Clean Earth Sanitation Eagle’s Landing First Baptist Church Fair Trade Plumbing LH School Supplies Lindsey Orthodontics Maximum One Realtor Partners Mellow Mushroom @ Eagle's Landing Moe's Southwest Grill Norwood Psychological Group SAGE Dining Services Shane's Rib Shack - Hwy. 155 Strawn & Co., Insurance, LLC The Eye MD TLS Music William H. Dellinger, Jr. DDA, PC If you are interested in becoming a Partner in Education please apply by completing the form linked below and email it to our Advancement Office .. BECOME A PARTNER THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

  • Young Chargers Enrichment Program | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    The Young Chargers Enrichment Program provides safe, quality, loving, Christian-based summer day care for students in our school and community just completing K5 through 7th grade. YCEP's mission is to lead young people to become good examples in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy's Day Camp 2400 Hwy. 42 North • McDonough, GA 30253 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example... in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. —1 Timothy 4:12 The mission of the Young Chargers Enrichment Program is to lead young people to become good examples in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity through character education and recreational activities. YCEP provides a service to parents by supplying safe, quality, and loving, Christian-based care for students in our school and community just completing Kindergarten through rising 8th grade. We adhere to a maximum 12/1 student/teacher ratio per classroom. Activities include art, music, reading, Bible, crafts, computer skills, sports, games, free play, field trips, pizza/ice cream parties and more! 2025 WINTER BREAK REGISTRATION IS OPEN! 7:00AM - 6:30PM Ages 5 years to rising 8th grade Registration: $80 per child (non-refundable) A $50 deposit per week/per child is due at the time of enrollment (summer camp only). Registration fees and deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Enrollment for each week is subject to availability. Once your registration is complete, it is advised that you complete enrollment for each week desired within a reasonable amount of time. 10% multi-child discount applies for multiple children from same household . PAYMENTS and FEES : Weekly tuition is due at least 7 days prior to the start of each week. Tuition not receive 7 days in advance will revert to late enrolling pricing. CANCELLATION POLICY : You must cancel AT LEAST 1 week in advance to avoid being responsible for payment for the entire week in question. A signed change/withdrawal form is required at least 1 week in advance to alter billing. FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK SCHEDULED. DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERRABLE. This will be strictly enforced, as schedules are finalized at that time. REGISTER TODAY YCEP General Info Liability and Medical Release YCEP Withdrawal Form

  • Tour a Top Private Christian School in McDonough, Georgia | Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy

    Ready to experience a day at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy? Visit our PK-12 private school in McDonough, Georgia. Schedule today! VISIT EAGLE’S LANDING CHRISTIAN ACADEMY We’re excited you're considering a private Christian school education at our accredited PK-12 academy. It is our pleasure to invite you to walk the halls of our school, located on an 86-acre campus in McDonough, Georgia, and explore our amenities firsthand. Experience a day in the life of an ELCA student, where community and Christ-centered academics meet. Explore ELCA in a Variety of Ways Once you’re ready to visit us, schedule a tour at a time that’s convenient for you. We offer personal tours, Open House events and shadow days for prospective families to experience ELCA first-hand. Start by scheduling a personal tour to see our campus and meet our faculty and staff. The best way to see if ELCA is the right fit for your family is to experience the campus for yourself! PERSONAL TOUR SCHEDULE A TOUR When you visit Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy, you’ll be able to tour the following school facilities: Gymnasium School store Charger Cafe Main auditorium Academic hall of fame Library and media center Science labs (biology, chemistry, anatomy) Playground (early learners) What else could you expect on your school tour? Contact our Director of Admissions, Bethany Farrar, by email at or at (678) 818-1072 for additional information. What to Expect When You Visit Our Campus Other Ways to Experience ELCA Campus Tour Our Admissions Team is ready to serve families with a personal on-campus tour. Contact us to schedule your personal tour: call us , email us , or complete this form . Open House Come meet our administrators, faculty, and staff! This is a great opportunity to learn about our curriculum, student activities, and support services. Tuesday, October 8 Tuesday, January 14 Tuesday, March 11 Tuesday, April 15 Click Here to RSVP Preview Day Experience life as an ELCA Charger! At our ELCA Preview Day, from 8AM to 2:30 PM, your student will shadow a current student, attend classes, tour the campus, and enjoy lunch—all while getting a true feel for ELCA. Don't miss this fun and immersive day! November 12 December 10 January 14 February 11 March 11 April 15 Click HERE to reserve your student’s spot. (limited spaces available) How should we prepare for a tour? To help make the most of your tour experience, think about what's important to you. Browse our website and bring a list of any questions you have. Want to know more about a certain club or activity? We’re here to help. Where do we meet for the tour? When you arrive at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy, please check in with the receptionist. One of our admissions team members will meet you in the lobby. Where is Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy located? Our beautiful campus in McDonough, Georgia, is 25 miles southwest of Atlanta. It is located in Henry County. Our address is 2400 Hwy 42N, McDonough, Georgia 30253 Frequently Asked Questions Here are a few questions we frequently hear from parents interested in touring our private Christian school. Schedule your visit to experience ELCA “Attending ELCA has shaped me as a person. I have grown not only in life, but also in my personal relationship with God. Teachers, students, and administrators have poured into me personally through my studies, conversations, and relationships. I can't thank ELCA enough for the amazing life lessons that they have taught me in my time as a student here.” - Abby Phillips, ELCA Class of 2023 Experience the ELCA Difference Join us for a school visit. Sign up for a tour today. We look forward to meeting you!

  • Leadership | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    Eagle's Landing Christian Academy is a gospel-centered, college preparatory school that exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Our administrators are glad to answer any questions you may have and are eager to guide you in your consideration of Christian education at ELCA. ADMINISTRATION Richard Allen Interim Head of School Mr. Allen came to Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy in 2004 and has served in many different positions, including High School Principal for 8 years, Dean of Students, and Senior Bible Teacher. Prior to coming to ELCA, he served at Athens Christian School, in Athens Georgia, for 15 years. Mr. Allen holds a bachelor’s degree from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. He was married for 36 years to his wife, Kathryn, before her homegoing in 2007. He has one son Jon, and daughter-in-law Sarah, who reside in Rome, GA. Both are graduates of Berry College. Doug Campbell Assistant Head of School Mr. Campbell holds a Bachelor of Liberal Studies from Mercer University with concentrations in education, communication, and religious studies and a Masters of Arts in Athletic Administration from Concordia University Irvine. He has been married to his wife, Gina, since 1986 and has two sons, Doug Jr. and Connor. Cindy George Chief Academic Officer Mrs. George joined ELCA in 2013 as the Dean of Academics after serving in public education for 33 years as a classroom teacher, Instructional Lead Teacher, Instructional Assistant Principal, and Instructional Consultant. Mrs. George spent thirteen years at Union Grove High School where she established an academic continuous improvement plan that resulted in a ranking in the top 2.6% of all public high schools in the state of Georgia. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Georgia College and a Master of Arts for Teachers degree in biology from Georgia State University. After numerous add-on certifications from the University of West Georgia in the areas of gifted education and instructional supervision, Mrs. George received her Education Specialist degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from Lincoln Memorial University. Mrs. George and her husband, Jackie, are active members of Salem Baptist Church and are the proud parents of two daughters, Ivey and Lydia, as well as a grandson, Matthew, who attends ELCA. Kim Terrell High School Principal Mrs. Terrell comes to ELCA with a wealth of experience in classroom teaching, educational leadership, and Human Resources. After serving as a classroom teacher for almost 10 years, Kim then moved into the role of assistant principal where she served for 10 years in Henry County Schools at Austin Road Middle School and Union Grove High School (one of the highest-performing public schools in the state). While serving in the role of Assistant Principal, she also served as a part-time Disciplinary Hearing Officer for the school system. Mrs. Terrell also served in the Human Resources Division for over ten years as a Coordinator. Mrs. Terrell holds a Bachelor’s in English Education from Southeast Missouri State University, a Master’s in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern Mississippi, and a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership from Central Michigan University. Mrs. Terrell and her husband, Mike, have resided in McDonough for nearly 20 years, and they have one daughter, Brianna, who attends ELCA. Andy Whitlock Middle School Principal Andy Whitlock has been at ELCA since 2012. He earned a Masters Degree from The Citadel and has over 20 years of experience in Christian education. He and his wife, Aimee, have four children, three of which have graduated from ELCA. Mr. Whitlock also serves as the high school science department chair and coaches girls' basketball. Susan Hearn Elementary School Principal Susan Hearn has been at ELCA since 1995. She taught third grade for 12 years, and served as the Math and Reading Coordinator before serving as the Curriculum Director and Assistant Principal for elementary. Currently, she serves as Elementary Principal. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Education from Georgia State University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Piedmont College and her Education Specialist degree from Valdosta State University. Prior to coming to ELCA, she taught kindergarten and third grade at another Christian school and first and third grades in Clayton County Public Schools. She and her husband Scott have been married since 1982. They have two children, Jacob (2006) and Miranda (2014). Michelle Blackburn Elementary Assistant Principal of Discipline and Spiritual Life Mrs. Michelle Blackburn began her teaching career in Arkansas before coming to Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy in 2003. She earned her Bachelor of Elementary Education degree from Hendrix College and a Master of Arts degree in Elementary and Middle School Administration from the University of Central Arkansas along with hours towards an Ed. Specialist degree. For ten years, she taught in the Conway Arkansas Public School System as a third and fifth grade teacher. Mrs. Blackburn also taught fourth and fifth grades at ELCA for 18 years. For many of her teaching years, she served as a lead teacher and mentor for fellow teachers. Along with her administrative duties, Mrs. Blackburn will also be leading our GROW program. She and her husband Murrell have been married since 1993. They have five children all of whom have attended and/or graduated from ELCA: Sterling (2014), Stephen (2016), Benjamin (2019), Timothy, and Alexa. Jay Covington High School Assistant Principal of Discipline Mr. Covington has been a part of the ELCA team since 2007 where he served as a high school math teacher and coach in several sports before accepting the position of High School Assistant Principal. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Belmont University (1993) in Nashville, Tennessee, and received his License in Christian Ministry in 2000. Mr. Covington has served in Christian education since 1994 including a role as High School Assistant Principal at Lighthouse Christian School in Tennessee. Mr. Covington has been married since 1992 and has 3 students who attended ELCA; Tal (class of 2013), Gabby (class of 2016), Brhea (class of 2023). Ivey Davis Director of Curriculum and Instruction Mrs. Davis joined ELCA in 2015 after teaching Spanish at Locust Grove High School for five years. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from the University of Georgia. She also has a Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish from Georgia College and State University and Tier 1 Educational Leadership certification from the University of West Georgia. She has served as the Student Government sponsor every year of her teaching career and loves helping develop student leaders. She and her husband, Jordan, have been married since 2009 and are proud parents to Matthew (ELCA, Class of 2035). Denise Martin Assistant Principal of Instruction, 5-12 Mrs. Martin joined ELCA in 2003 and has taught in all levels of Christian education in her over 20 years of teaching. She has served in leadership roles as Lead Teacher, Committee Head, Academic Team, Instructional Focus Coordinator, and Classroom Intervention Specialist. She began her undergraduate degree at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and finished her Bachelor of Science at Kennesaw State University. Her Master of Education degree was completed at Mercer University, and she has a Student Support Management add-on certification. She and her husband, Daniel, are active members of Believer’s Fellowship in Conyers, GA, have been married over 30 years, and have two boys who graduated from ELCA: Paul (2008) and Trenton (2015). Dr. Lisa Stone Elementary Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Stone came to ELCA in 2003 and has been in education since 1990. While at ELCA, she has taught first grade, STEM, EXCEL, and has been an instructional lead teacher. Before coming to ELCA, Dr. Stone taught in public schools in Cherokee, Gwinnett, and Henry counties as a special education teacher, first grade teacher, and reading specialist. She received her BA in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from Clemson University; her MEd of Early Childhood Education from Piedmont College; and her EdD in Curriculum and Instruction from Georgia State. She is married to Daryl and they have 5 children: Josh (2010), Sarah (2013), Madeline (2015), Hannah, and Charlotte. Clayton McClure Spiritual Life Director Mr. McClure has been a part of the ELCA team since 2001 where he served as a high school English, Public Speaking and Bible teacher. He also has served as the Middle School Assistant principal and High School Assistant principal. While at ELCA he has coached football and basketball. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Toccoa Falls College (1997) His passion is to see the students and faculty of ELCA see God, to know God and to make Him known. His desire is to see the students have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and disciple others. Mr. McClure has been married since 1998 to Heidi, who also works at ELCA, and has three boys who graduated from ELCA: Ethan (2018), Micah (2020), Jonah (2022). Becky Dean Director of Marketing Mrs. Dean joined ELCA in 2022 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of Kentucky. Upon moving to Georgia in 2007, she began working at Rocky Creek Elementary School as a Title I Parent Involvement Paraprofessional for 5 years. After that, she was the Director of Development & Marketing at a local, private school for 4 years. Mrs. Dean also has an extensive background in social media marketing. She has been the social media manager for GAPPS (Georgia Association for Private and Parochial Schools) since 2019 and has also worked for Pipeline Social Media. Mrs. Dean and her husband Jared have been married since 1998. They have two children, Zachary (class of 2022) and Emily (class of 2025). Aimee Whitlock Director of Admissions Mrs. Whitlock joined the ELCA family in 2012. She moved into the role of Director of Admissions in 2021 after 10 years of working in the admissions department. She is a graduate of Clearwater Christian College where she earned a degree in Psychology. She and her husband Andy have been blessed to have all four of their children attend ELCA: Owen (2018), Mason (2021), Emma (2023) and Livie (ELCA Class of 2030). Becky Smith Advancement Coordinator Mrs. Smith has lived in McDonough since 1985. She is married to Wayne Smith and they have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. She is a graduate of Valdosta State University. Becky is the founder and former Executive Director of the Pregnancy Resource Center (now known as The Bridge). She also served as administrative assistant for the Henry Council for Quality Growth. Prior to her semi-retirement in 2021, she served 7 years as the Executive Director of the Christian Women’s Center in Griffin. Becky has 30 years of fundraising experience including event planning, grant writing and major donor development. She is an active member of Hampton First Baptist Church. Gilbert Fields Director of Ethnic Unity Gilbert Fields holds a Master of Divinity from Luther Rice Seminary and is currently a PhD prospective candidate at Clarks Summit University. He is a Bible teacher that has a passion for Biblical communication in contemporary culture through exposition of God's Word. He and his wife, Shawnn, have two children, Jonathan and Courtney. Cindy Baker Chief Financial Officer Mrs. Baker joined ELCA in 1999 as the Director of Finance after being in the private sector for 13 years as a Business Manager and Audit/Tax CPA. She received her bachelor’s degree from Kennesaw State University with a major in Accounting and a minor in Finance. Mrs. Baker and her husband, Archie, have been married since 1989 and are active members at ELFBC. They are the proud parents of three sons - Will, Luke (Class of 2010), and Jake (Class of 2013), as well as two grandchildren, Alaina and Tripp. Tracey Fuller Director K-12 School of Fine Arts Mrs. Fuller is an educator who works with singers and choirs from preschool age and up. She serves at Eagle’s Landing First Baptist Church as the Choir Director, leads in the Saturate children’s program, and also plays keys and sings in the worship services. Mrs. Fuller is a graduate of Georgia State University with a degree in Music Education with an emphasis in piano and voice. Her passion is helping people develop their talents to serve God. During her 30+ years of teaching music, many of her students have made All-State Chorus, received scholarships, and served in worship teams. She has also collaborated with Will Turpin of Collective Soul by directing the children’s choir for his production of Rock the Cradle. Tracey is married to her high school sweetheart, Jay, and they have 2 adult children – Megan Cash and Trey Fuller. Scott Queen Athletic Director Scott Queen has been at ELCA since 1997 and has been teaching and coaching in Christian Education for over 30 years. He has served as the ELCA Athletic Director since 2001, and has been the Head Track & Field Coach, and an Assistant Football Coach since 1997. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Sports Management from Liberty University, where he played football and ran track. Prior to coming to ELCA, he taught and coached for three years at North Florida Christian School in Tallahassee, FL and was an assistant track coach for one year at Liberty University.

  • ELCA | Student Information | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    It is our prayer that ELCA will not only challenge students to reach academic heights and provide an environment for character development, but most importantly, that they will establish a foundation for growth in their relationship with Jesus Christ that will be built throughout life. EAGLE'S LANDING CHRISTIAN ACADEMY STUDENTS STUDENT HANDBOOK HELPFUL LINKS STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION LUMINESCENCE LITERARY MAGAZINE TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES COUNSELING Welcome to Eagle's Landing Christian Academy, where we have been empowering students to impact the world since 1970. The Student Handbook is intended to inform the ELCA community about policies and procedures concerning students. It consolidates information from many sources on a variety of topics. It seeks to assist in the orientation of new students and to provide all students with an up-to-date reference on significant matters relating to ELCA life. It is the responsibility of each student/parent to be knowledgeable of the contents of this handbook. For their own benefit, students are urged to familiarize themselves with all relevant portions of the Student Handbook and ask for clarification of any information by contacting the administration of their respective school. We trust you will find your Student Handbook helpful throughout the year. STUDENT DRIVER VEHICLE REGISTRATION STUDENT HANDBOOK CLASS OF 2022 GRADUATION YARD SIGN ORDER FORM SGA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Eagle's Landing Christian Academy is a gospel-centered, Kingdom-focused, college preparatory school that exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Students, it is our prayer that your experience at ELCA will not only challenge you to reach academic heights and provide an environment for character development, but most importantly, establish a foundation for growth in your relationship with Jesus Christ that you will build upon all your life. Our administration, faculty and staff will pray for you daily as you discern God's will for your life. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION ACADEMIC GUIDANCE COUNSELING College Counseling Email: Heather Reagan or Misty Weber ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE Testing (MERIT) Accommodations Email: Dr. Anna King MERIT Classes: Grades 6-12 Elementary Reading Programs: Grades K-2 and 3-5 Elementary Math Program: Grades 3-5 Speech Senate Bill 10 PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING Mental Health Counseling Email: Holly Capp , LCSW (404) 867-0909 THE SUPPORT NETWORK ELCA offers a network of diverse staff members to whom students can go if they wish to talk about a spiritual or mental health issue. This list is not exhaustive. Students can go to any person within the school to discuss psychological/emotional/spiritual issues. Notwithstanding, this network provides adults on campus who are available to assist as needed. Predominantly, these individuals will connect the student with resources in which the focus is prevention, intervention, positive development, and regular communication between school and families. Most importantly, though, the goal of this network is to glorify God. He is the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6), Great Healer (Psalm 103:3), Eternal Helper (John 14:16) Restorer of the Broken-hearted (Psalm 147:3) and Keeper of Perfect Peace (Isaiah 26:3). Our staff is committed to assisting our students and their families by pointing them to the only ONE who can truly meet their needs. Through these resources, the focus is prevention, intervention, positive development, and regular communication between school and families. Members of the Support Network represent a school-wide commitment to improve mental health recognition and to provide beneficial resources in supporting students who are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. We are excited to discover more ways to impact our students to ensure their positive well-being. ELCA does not tolerate bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any sort. Principals and the school counselor will thoroughly assess and intervene any such suspicions. Many preventative efforts are made through our Kingdom Educational foundation and Biblical Worldview approach to behavioral expectations. Our chapel services, Unity Counsel, Student government accountability groups, and more each promote proper treatment of others. Any deviation is quickly identified and addressed. In any instance whereby child abuse or neglect is suspected, the staff member will immediately notify a principal and/or the School Counselor. The student will be evaluated and referred to the governmental authorities as determined appropriate by these individuals and as consistent with Mandatory Reporting laws. Mandated Reporters are not required to notify guardians of an official report of child abuse or neglect. ELCA will disclose this information as deemed safe and appropriate. Georgia Code for Child Abuse and Neglect Licensed Clinical Social Worker: Mrs. Holly Capp INITIATIVES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SUPPORT NETWORK Indirect Counseling Bible Class – financial planning, inductive studies, worldview formation, mentoring, sex education,abstinence, social justice, rebellion, risk-taking, mental health, etc. Accountability groups Chapels on living victoriously, peer relations, social media, vaping, honesty, integrity Leadership seminars (such as SLI) Wilds’ 4-day Spiritual Retreat Professional Counselor's classroom presentations on body image, self-image, anxiety, healthy friendships, harassment/bullying, emotional regulation, healthy habits, pornography, technology, organization, and more. Self Esteem Building Awards ceremonies Whitewater rafting for seniors Peer accountability groups Wilds’ ropes courses/hikes Life Time Sports class Life Preparedness/Career Readiness Guidance Counseling - Mrs. Weber Personality inventory for life skill strengths Disney Senior trip (learning to navigate independence) Transition lectures for middle and high school students Orientation for rising seniors and their parents discussing college/career requirements upon graduation World Impact Mission trips Safe Driving lectures/classes Lower school parent articles Staff Development Book study Continuing Education on mental health, physical health, spiritual health, cultural diversity Cultural Diversity Diversity Council Historic Excursions Curriculum Integration Grace Week Taste of ELCA Classroom Discussions Chapel Integration School Cohesiveness Grade Level Overnight Trips (Rock Eagle, St. Augustine, The Wilds, Walt Disney World, Creation Museum, Washington DC) Mission Trips Academic/Cultural Multi-night Excursions Senior Rafting trip Pep Rallies Student council Crisis Intervention Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Holly Capp Ethnic Unity Liaison, Gilbert Fields School Resource Officer, Jacob Hearn Licensed Nurse, Linda Payne Concealed-carry staff members Onsite active shooter training for faculty and staff Regular drills with students for emergency preparedness (tornado, fire, active shooter, etc.) Eagles Landing Counseling Center (licensed professional counselors) The Church and Therapy Blog Post Struggling with Stress and Depression-Blog Post The Truth about Eating Disorders Guided into Living Grace: Practical, Christ-centered guidance for your personal mental health journey The Importance of School Mental Health Services Redefine Grace: Mental Health Solutions Student Mental Health Concerns: Steps to Take Now Pregnancy Resource Center Eagles Landing Counseling Center (licensed professional counselors) Al-Anon Grief Share Satan is No Friend of the Family-Blog Post Divorce Care Children and Divorce Guide OTHER RESOURCES COUNSELING APPLICATION The Leadership Scholarship sponsored by the Student Council is available to all seniors. The recipient of this scholarship will demonstrate the attributes specific to Student Council’s mission: leadership, service, academic integrity, and exemplary representation of Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy’s spirit. To apply for this scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria: 1) be eligible to receive the Hope scholarship, 2) submit a letter of reference from a faculty member which attests to the student’s eligibility for consideration, 3) submit evidence of admissions to a post-secondary institution for the upcoming fall, and 4) submit a completed application by the due date. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. STUDENT COUNCIL LEADERSHIP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP 2024-25 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD President – Elizabeth Lewis Vice President – Emily Moghaddam and Robert Tagoe Chaplain - Nyla Osmani Co-Chaplains - Reagan Harris (Service) and Rush Phelps (Discipleship) Public Relations - Grace Lee Public Relations Vice President - Eli Phillips Unity President - Madison Norwood Unity Vice President - Ana Corales Finance - Allison Hinton Finance Vice President - Christopher Craddock SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS President – Kaila Leslie Vice-President – Jack Shuler Unity Board Representative - Donovan Smalls Female Chaplain - Holly Hardeman Male Chaplain - Caden Mirocha Public Relations - Gracey Harris & Abby Lapsley JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS President – Alexa Blackburn Vice-President – Olivia Brewer Unity Board Representative - Jiya Patel Female Chaplain - Merrin Tyson Male Chaplain - Judah Tyler Public Relations - Isis Bonsu SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS President – Christina Scott Vice-President – Layla Lewis Unity Board Representatives - Gracie Rivers & Rylee Collier Male Chaplain - Aidan Kelly Public Relations - Olivia Dotson FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Freshman Representative – Sadye Tyler Freshman Representative – Hannah Wood Freshman Representative - Dylan Tinsley Freshman Representative - Odell Barnwell TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES K-12 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Eagle's Landing Christian Academy believes that to be competitive in a global economy we need a technology–rich environment to prepare students for life in the 21st century. In a very competitive, digital economy, educational technology is one of the critical components for providing the tools our students need in order to reach their full potential. It is our goal to provide technology integrated standards based curriculum that will allow our students to acquire the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century’s global community and workforce. If you have any questions regarding ELCA's technology integration program and plans, please contact Denise Martin . BRING YOUR OWN TECHNOLOGY STUDENT HELP MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES Symbaloo - A Symbaloo is a visual bookmarking tool that makes it simple and fun to organize your favorite websites at your fingertips. SYMBALOO #1 SYMBALOO #2 VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS ELEMENTARY/PRESCHOOL PHONICS ELEMENTARY/PRESCHOOL MATH APPS YEARBOOK HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC RESOURCES UNIFORM & SUPPLY INFO HELPFUL LINKS LUMINESCENCE Student Literary Magazine

  • Tutoring and Instructional Focus | ELCA

    Eagle's Landing Christian Academy provides comprehensive tutoring and academic support programs to empower student success. Learn about our Instructional Focus periods, personalized tutoring options, and commitment to individualized learning. EAGLE'S LANDING CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Tutoring and Instructional Focus Envision your high schooler at ELCA Want more details or ready to experience our campus firsthand? Request More Information Schedule a Tour Tutoring and Instructional Focus Every year, ELCA high school students complete a tutor-training session and offer tutoring services for students who require extra help in academics. ELCA student tutors charge according to grade-level and offer 45-minute sessions. See the list below: K- 4th $10 for a 45 min. session 5th- 12th $20 for a 45 min. session* *Students in 9th-12th who tutor during IF, must tutor 2 days to complete one 45-minute session. Once matched, you will be contacted by the tutor to plan for time, dates, payment, and drop-off/pick-up location. Tutoring can take place before or after school, or during Instructional Focus for grades 9-12. The earliest possible start time is 7:00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. is the latest end time. All tutoring takes place in a supervised setting. (teacher’s classroom or an area under video surveillance) Student tutors are paid weekly through an agreed upon method. (cash, check, cash app. etc.) Once matched, you will be contacted by the tutor to plan for time, dates, payment, and drop-off/pick-up location. Tutoring Facts to Remember What is IF? Instructional Focus (IF) is a twenty-five-minute, non-credit-bearing course that affords students the opportunity for academic extension and/or enrichment during the school day. Enrichment Extension – IF Learning Lab IF Extension on Fridays IF Extension with Content Teacher Self-Assessment Tracking Sheets Have additional questions? Please contact BECOME A PEER TUTOR SEEKING A STUDENT TUTOR

  • Summer Camps at ELCA | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    Eagle's Landing Christian Academy hosts the Fast Forward Summer Enrichment Program with summer day camps including the Young Chargers Enrichment Program, Coding Camp, Math Boot Camp, Art Camp, Sports Camps, and MORE. JOIN US THIS SUMMER FOR GREAT CAMPS! Rising K5-6th grade students are welcome to join us for a fun and creative week of art camp. June 24 - 27 9:00AM-12PM Click to register! Math Boot Camp gives your child tools that will allow them to excel in mathematics. Camp is held at ELCA at various dates listed below. Questions? Contact Glarretter Brown at Rising 1st + 2nd Graders: June 3-6 (SOLD OUT) Rising 4th + 5th Graders: June 17-20 (SOLD OUT) Rising 3rd Graders: June 24-27 (SOLD OUT) Rising 1st-2nd graders Rising 4th & 5th graders Rising 3rd graders Here’s your chance to learn to code OR Improve your coding skills! Plus…Critical Thinking Skills - Coding Terminology - Math Skills INFO COMING SOON • June 7-10 • Rising grades 4-9 REGISTRATION FORM • June 20-23 * 9:00AM-12:00PM Rising K-8th grade students... Join us to complete a fun scrapbooking project! Dance Camp has been cancelled this summer Dance Camp registration Rising K5-6th grade students are welcome to experience science camp! June 24 - 27 1:00PM-4:00PM Click to register! Rising 3rd-6th grade students who are interested are encouraged to sign up below! Click to register! Why sit still when you can FAST FORWARD over the summer? ELCA's Day Camp Ages 5 years to rising 8th grade Summer Fall Break Thanksgiving Break Winter Break MORE YCEP INFO "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." —1 Timothy 4:12 The mission of the Young Chargers Enrichment Program is to lead young people to become good examples in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity through character education and recreational activities. YCEP provides a service to parents by supplying safe, quality, and loving, Christian-based care for students in our school and community just completing Kindergarten through 6th grade. We adhere to a maximum 12/1 student/teacher ratio per classroom. Activities include art, music, reading, Bible, crafts, computer skills, sports, games, free play, field trips, pizza/ice cream parties and more! Young Chargers Summer 2025 DATES WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON! 7:00AM - 6:30PM LIMITED SPOTS Registration: $80 per child Once registered, parents may enroll their child into the week(s) of their choice. A $50 deposit per week/per child is due at the time of enrollment. Summer 2025 camps coming soon! (Camps below are from 2024)

  • Charger Blog | Eagle's Landing Christian Academy | McDonough, GA

    All Posts Eagle's Landing Christian Academy Jul 15, 2022 3 min 6 Things Pre-Teens Need in Middle School Is your child preparing for middle school? As a parent, it can be challenging to know what might be the best fit for your pre-teen —... 155 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min Even If… Posted on May 20, 2020 by elcachargers by Kim Brunette Smith • Director of Marketing and Communications How do I handle it when God... 23 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 4 min The Right Kind of Leadership Posted on January 22, 2020 by elcachargers by Doug Campbell • ELCA High School Principal The story of Nehemiah is one of the great books... 16 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 4 min 5 Steps to Resilience During Trials Posted on April 17, 2020 by elcachargers by Grace Lee • ELCA Director of Diversity Life looks completely different, but God is tugging at... 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min Time…One of God’s Most Precious Gifts! Posted on April 22, 2020 by elcachargers by Vicky Rodgers • Director of the ELCA Early Learning Academy …we are bored and lost. We find... 7 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min New Trees Posted on November 13, 2019 by elcachargers by Anna King • Director of Student Support Services "Let Jesus today upheave our expectations... 8 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min When We are Dear Posted on May 6, 2020 by elcachargers by Dr. Anna King • Director of Student Support Services In 2013, I chaperoned a World Impact trip... 9 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min The Future of Art Posted on April 29, 2020 by elcachargers by Chuck Ekstedt • ELCA Director of Fine Arts “I think it’s exciting to see students showing up... 12 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min What Does Biblical Worldview Integration Look Like? Posted on March 11, 2020 by elcachargers by Shari Allen • Middle School Assistant Principal Intentional Development of a Biblical... 7 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min We’ve Been Deceived Posted on February 26, 2020 by elcachargers by Kimberly Smith • ELCA Director of Marketing and Communications Do you ever find yourself... 20 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 1 min Lord, Teach Me to Reach Out Posted on February 5, 2020 by elcachargers by Edd Tucker • Elementary Principal Human touch is so important to people. Psychologists... 6 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min A Voice with No Sound Posted on January 29, 2020 by elcachargers by Kimberly Brunette Smith • Director of Marketing and Communications Driving in to work... 9 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min The “Three-Legged Stool” of Faith Formation Posted on January 15, 2020 by elcachargers By Chuck Gilliam • Former ELCA Head of School Christmas break always makes me feel like a bad... 487 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min Don’t Lose Heart Posted on August 14, 2019 by elcachargers August 14, 2019 • By Richard Allen, ELCA Spiritual Life Director "He can do a much better job... 4 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min How Hard Can Parenting Be? Posted on September 4, 2019 by elcachargers September 4, 2019 • Holly Capp, ELCA School Counselor "Now, I look back and laugh at my... 7 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min Where Were You? Posted on September 11, 2019 by elcachargers by Holly Capp • ELCA School Counselor “Be strong and courageous…He will be with you; he will... 5 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 3 min Are You Up to the Challenge? Posted on September 18, 2019 by elcachargers September 18, 2019 • Vicky Rodgers, Director of Early Learning Academy Our society is... 5 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 4 min Boys to Men Posted on October 2, 2019 by elcachargers by Clayton McClure • High School Assistant Principal We live in a day and age where we just... 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min Have you talked to a middle schooler lately? Posted on October 9, 2019 by elcachargers by Shari Allen • Middle School Assistant Principal The part of the brain that drives emotions... 7 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Kim Brunette Mar 23, 2022 2 min Grasping the Baton Posted on October 16, 2019 by elcachargers by Edd Tucker • Elementary Principal Our Father controls all seasons… even the seasons of our... 18 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked

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